Saturday, November 19, 2011

The saturn car commercial...the telephone poles turn into trees and the oil machines turn into rocking horses.

the point of the commercial is to "help the environmet." Industrial objects turn into things like trees, flowers, rocking horses, and at one point the car turns into a sail boat.... (P.S. It sounds like a man and woman singing the song.)|||I'm sorry. I don't really see a question here. I suppose they're saying that Saturn is more environmentally friendly than other car manufacturers. I've never looked up their emissions rating or their fuel efficiency, but those are the only 2 ways I can think of that the cars themselves would be.....I don't know about the actual manufacturing plant. It's an ingenious idea, though, because the commercial implies all of that without ever really saying it, so if none of it's true, no one can get them for false advertising.|||Perhaps thay are using subliminal messages to force us to put sails on our automobiles :)

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