Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Should someone tell judge Sotomayor that white men invented: cars, planes, televisions, telephone, computers?

For the record, I am a 75% white, 25% Japanese male who is married to a Hispanic woman, so please don't call me a racist. Both of us were quite put off by her comment, even though we both think she is qualified for the job.|||using arabic numerals, black slave labor, materials raped from the environment (then released the toxic byproducts in waterways(pcb's in the hudson)), gee, you could go on....|||Black Inventors A-Z:


Asian Inventors:


Hispanic Inventors:


Not just the white are inventors although I agree with you|||Sotomayor is an extremely well-educated and intelligent woman so I don't think anyone needs to tell her who invented what. Her comment was not racist. I thought her speech was quite excellent. I don't see how people are getting anything racist out of it.|||They oppressed women for decades. Women who could have invented more if they would have been giving the same opportunities.|||Yes, but what about the important things like peanut butter, did white guys invented that?

At your next PB%26amp;J lunch thank God for George Washington Carver, will ya?|||no she might have a melt down

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