Friday, December 2, 2011

If a telephone wire snapped and damaged my car, are they responsible for the damage?

This depends on a lot of different things....

In order for someone to be responsible, there would have to have been some kind of negligent act.

If you could prove that the wiring was not secured properly by a phone line technician, then yes, the phone company could be responsible.

If you would prove that the wire was made out of faulty material, then the company that manufactured the wire would be responsbile.

If the line broke because of a tree limb or a wind storm, then nobody would be responsible because acts of God are not a result of negligence.

Though it doesn't matter much, because for you get get any money out of anyone for this, you would have to sue someone, hire a lawyer and take them to court... Odds are you won't win anyway...because neglignece would be very difficult to prove and you would be out thousands of dollars on a lawyer.|||where you legally parked when the wire hit your car, do you have comprehensive insurance on your car how do you know its telephone ,not cable , electric or suspension cord.

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